Preventa XCSLE and XCSLF Solenoid Locking Safety Interlock Switches

Safety Interlock Switches

For controlling the safe opening and interlocking of guards and covers
When a running machine necessitates a door or guard remain closed and an idle machine means the machine should be accessible, there is no better solution than the Preventa XCS line of Safety Interlock Switches. The XCS line of Safety Interlock Switches is one of the most comprehensive catalogs of industrial safety switches on the market, providing a range of options for most machine applications.

Some XCS Safety Interlock Switches protect machine operators by stopping the machine when the guard or door opens, withdrawing the actuator attached to the machine guard from the head of the switch.

  • For heavy duty industrial machines with quick rundown time, key operated switches XCSA, XCSB, or XCSC are ideal.
  • For heavy duty industrial machines with slow rundown time, key operated switches with solenoid such as XCSLF or XCSE are ideal.
  • For light industrial machines with quick rundown time, key operated switches XCSMP, XCSPA, or XCSTA are good fits.
  • For light industrial machines with slow rundown time, key operated switches with solenoid such as XCSLE or XCSTE will work.

Other XCS Safety Interlock Switches protect operators by stopping the light industrial machine with quick rundown time when:

  • the operating lever attached to the hinged machine guard is displaced by 5° (XCSPL or XCSTL safety switches)
  • the guard hinge rotates through (XCSPR or XCSTR safety switches)
  • the gate with imprecise guidance and/or subject to frequent washing is opened (XCSDMC, XCSDMP, or XCSDMR coded magnetic switches or XCSDM3 or XCSDM4 coded magnetic systems, complete devices including both coded magnetic and safety modules

And other XCS Safety Interlock Switches protect operators by stopping heavy or light industrial equipment with quick rundown time when the gate is opened. XCSM, XCSD, and XCSP safety limit switches provide this function.

Preventa XCS Safety Interlock Switches: When the hazardous machine is running, opening the door or guard to that area is prevented. When the hazardous situation is no longer present, the switch will allow the door or guard to be accessed.

Simply easy!

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